Campaign Priorities 2021

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Please complete this survey to let us know what you think Fair Vote Canada’s priorities should be in 2021 and help us learn more about the people who support us!

Which category below includes your age?
What do you think our top priorities should be in 2021? We are assuming there will be a federal election.
Very importantImportantNeutralUnimportant
1. Work to ensure that electoral reform is a visible issue in the next federal election
2. Work to raise public awareness of the problems with first-past-the-post
3. Work to raise public awareness of how PR better serves voters by being fairer and more democratic
4. Work to raise public awareness of how PR can produce better outcomes on things people care about (issues like environment and health)
5. Work to build public awareness and support from political parties provincially in Ontario, to prepare for a provincial election campaign in 2022
6. Work to build support for provincial local choice legislation in Ontario and BC, which would allow municipalities to choose voting systems for city councils, including local proportional systems
What activities/actions to accomplish these goals would you like to see us prioritize?
Very importantImportantNeutralUnimportant
1. Mainstream media advertising at election time that the party leaders and millions of Canadians will see
2. Continue to pressure the federal parties whenever opportunities arise (past examples: sending holiday cards, sending letters about putting electoral reform in the COVID recovery plan)
3. Work to educate groups who advocate on other subjects about why PR should matter to them, including collaborating where possible with like-minded groups
4. Grow local Fair Vote Canada teams that do activities in their communities (presentations to service clubs, lobbying MPs, run local social media accounts etc)
5. Visit politicians to ask for their support for PR and/or a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform, and to ask them to be vocal with their support before the election
Let us know if you can help with any of the following, check all that apply.
Rate each of the following federal parties in terms of your support for them.
NoneWeakModerateStrongVery Strong
Bloc Quebecois
Conservative Party of Canada
Green Party of Canada
Liberal Party of Canada
New Democratic Party
People’s Party of Canada
Do you belong to a federal political party?
Please mark all that apply.